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21.03.2018 | LocoTech released a record number of locomotives after repair for 5 years in 2017

The LocoTech Group of Companies summed up the results of 2017. Zheldorremmash factories and LocoTech-Service branches (part of LocoTech) have completely completed the production programme.

Zheldorremmash factories in 2017 released 2988 locomotive sections after repair, which is 18% more than in 2016 (2451 locomotives). This is a record figure for the period after 2013.

The largest scope of repair has been performed by the Ulan-Ude LVRZ (871 sections), Chelyabinsk ERZ (687 sections), Rostov-on-Don ERZ (467 sections) and Ussuri LRZ (301 sections).

The mastering of repair of the locomotives EP1, EP1P and E5K - by Ulan-Ude LVRZ, 2TE116 - by Orenburg LRZ, 2ES4K - by Chelyabinsk ERZ and Vl80s - by Yaroslavl ERZ.

In 2017 the Zheldorremmash factories set several production records at once. Thus, Ulan-Ude LVRZ in December released 104 sections of locomotives after repair, setting a new production record. Chelyabinsk ERZ released 82 electric locomotives after repair in December.

Branches of LocoTech-Service in 2017 also coped with the production programme for repair and maintenance of traction rolling stock. By the diesel locomotives 56022 sections or 100.5% have been released after repair, by electric locomotives - 51499 sections or 100.7% of the programme.

The repair programme for line equipment has been completed in SLD LocoTech-Service LLC by 100% - 82135 units were repaired.

The number of failures in LocoTech-Service for 1 million km of mileage decreased by 8%. The number of unplanned repairs in the company's responsibility decreased by 9%.

The main indicator - availability factor (AF) - in 2017 for the network of service locomotive depots was 0.894 (89.4%) with the planned target of 0.870 (87%). The East Siberian 0.916 (91.6%), Moscow 0.908 (90.8%) and Western branches 0.901 (90.1%) showed the best performance.

The maintenance of the fleet operated by the branches of LocoTech-Service in 2017 increased by 1% and amounted to 3777 sections for diesel locomotives and 8381 sections for electric locomotives.

The LocoTech Group of Companies announced in 2018 as the Year of Staff (as we have previously informed, 2017 was the Year of Quality). The issues of staff advanced training, training and development of personnel will be given priority attention. The goals of the Year of Staff are the growth of labour productivity, increase of the basic indicators and, as a result, the efficiency of LocoTech as a whole. 


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