LocoTech-Leasing LLC in the International Railway Forum “PRO//Motion. EXPO” presented a new service to the an industry community. That is operating lease of the locomotive fleet.
Director General of LovoTeh-Leasing Yuri Sunyaev spoke at the panel discussion devoted to industrail locomotives. He noted that the locomotives operating lease is a flexible tool that allows shippers and carriers optimally plan their resources, including financial ones.
The use of operational leasing services will help companies to get rid of non-core assets, optimize the cost of fleet maintenance and, at the same time, upgrade the locomotive fleet without increasing the investment budget.
"The main advantages of operating leases are guarantee of receiving the serviceable fleet, timely fleet provision for transportation; decline in contract work with suppliers, service companies and contractors", said Yuri Sunyaev.
The service is a comprehensive one and involves large amount of options - from the trade-in to providing the locomotive crew - and is provided in close partnership with TMH Group and leading banks. Using an operating lease allows to reduce costs throughout the life cycle of locomotives to 25%.